Who dies in You season 4 part 1? All the deaths explained and who killed them
9 February 2023, 23:45

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Who is the Eat The Rich killer and how many people do they kill? Here's all the You season 4 deaths revealed and explained.
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Joe Goldberg might be trying to leave his murderous habits behind and start a new life, but after four seasons, we should all know by now that that is never going to happen. Five episodes into You season 4 and it already has a pretty big body count.
You season 4 sees Joe move to London and change his name to Jonathan Moore after he faked his death and blamed it on Love Quinn at the end of season 3 when she tried to kill him. (Yes, Love is actually dead. No, she's not in season 4.)
While Joe has not completely left his old life behind, someone else takes centre stage with the murders this season. Season 4 introduces the Eat The Rich killer and Joe sets out to discover who it is.
After several suspects, false leads and plot twists, the true identity of the Eat The Rich killer is revealed in episode 5. Here's a run down of every character who gets murdered in season 4, and who kills them. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
WARNING: Major spoilers ahead for You season 4 part 1!
Who kills Malcolm in You season 4?
Malcolm is the first character to be murdered in the season 4. In the first episode, after a drunken night out at Sundry House, Joe wakes up in his flat to find Malcolm dead on his table with a knife in his chest.
Unsure if he actually killed him or not because he had passed out as soon as he got home, Joe disposes of his body in the most Joe Goldberg way possible. He sneaks into a warehouse, dismembers Malcolm's body and then dumps the black bags in the river and in the sewage pipes.
However, despite viewers seeing Joe stab Malcolm during Roald's big speech about his theory that Joe is the murderer, it's revealed at the end of the fifth episode that Rhys was the one who killed Malcolm, not Joe.
Who kills Simon in You season 4?
The next character who ends up dead in episode 2 is Simon. After Simon's art opening show, the artist is found dead with a knife in his chest (exactly the same as Malcolm) and his ear sliced off in some kind of twisted reference to Van Gogh.
Joe then realises that the person who is stalking and texting him was the one who did it, after they start bragging about the murder over text.
Again, viewers see Joe committing the murder during Roald's theory, but it's revealed, once again, that Rhys was the one who killed Simon.
Who kills Vic in You season 4?
Adam's personal driver/bodyguard/dealer Vic ends up dead and buried (literally) in season 4, but his murder is not the doing of the Eat The Rich killer. Vic is killed by Joe after Vic attacks him in the crypt after Simon's funeral in episode 3 because he suspects he killed Malcolm.
Joe manages to fight back and strangles Vic to death. He drags Vic's body out to Simon's freshly dug grave, dumps him in on top of his coffin and buries him.
Who kills Gemma in You season 4?
Anyway, back to the Eat The Rich killer! Gemma is the next to die during a night of debauchery at Lady Phoebe's Hampsie estate. Joe walks into a bedroom and finds Kate hovering over Gemma's dead body, holding the bloody knife that she was stabbed with. They roll her in a rug and hide her in a chest at the bottom of the bed. Lady Phoebe later discovers her body.
However, it wasn't Kate or Joe that killed Gemma, despite another scene from Roald's theory showing Joe slicing her throat. It's revealed that Rhys was the one who killed her, too.
You season 4 continues on March 9th, when the final five episodes are released on Netflix. And with Rhys Montrose's murderous plan now in full swing, and Joe fully aware of what he's plotting, more of the friendship group will no doubt be killed along the way.
But who will be the next to die? And will Joe manage to stop him before he kills them all off?
Read more You news here:
- You season 4 soundtrack: All the songs in part 1
- You's Penn Badgley reveals his most embarrassing Joe Goldberg sex scene
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