Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott criticised for surprising daughter Stormi with her own school bus
26 August 2021, 11:53

Kylie Jenner's daughter Stormi goes back to school with $12,000 backpack
"All Stormi has been talking about is riding in a big yellow bus. Daddy surprised her."
Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott are being criticised for giving their daughter Stormi a school bus.
For most kids, getting the school bus every morning is an absolute chore. But for uber-rich Stormi? It's a fantasy. Apparently, it's been Stormi's dream to ride a yellow school bus, and luckily for her, her parents have the finances to make that dream a reality.
On Instagram Stories, Kylie revealed that Stormi's dad Travis surprised her with a school bus. She then shared images of three-year-old Stormi cuddling up to the bus and admiring the leather seats while standing in the aisle. "All Stormi has been talking about is riding in a big yellow bus. Daddy surprised her," Kylie captioned the images.
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While it's sweet that Stormi got her one wish, some have criticised the gift for being out of touch. "Stormi got to play make-believe poor today," one user commented. Another tweeted: "Rich people are literally so far from reality they bought a school bus for Stormi to sit on."
Here's the reaction to Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott surprising Stormi with her own school bus.
— gab (@lightsupgab) August 24, 2021
rich people are literally so far from reality they bought a school bus for stormi to sit on
— bd (@biancadanello) August 24, 2021
Stormi is so rich her dad Travis surprised her with a yellow school bus so she can act middle class for the day 😂
— Samantha Schou (@Samantha_Schou) August 24, 2021
Stormi got to play make-believe poor today 🥰 ✨
— King Al G Rhythm (@TheBryceShow) August 24, 2021
Stormi craving normalcy is the cutest, sweetest, and, saddest thing I’ve seen all week
— Ruby🦋 (@rubess_) August 24, 2021
Travis Scott “surprising” stormi with a school bus like it’s a brand new dollhouse is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day
— a 🌅 (@breathinbbie) August 24, 2021
Stormi has been obsessed with the public school system (thanks, Dream), so her dad rented a big yellow school bus for the day. Next week her parents are renting out a school cafeteria so she can experience public school lunches or as I call it, something from Kris' cookbook.
— North West (@norisblackbook) August 24, 2021
It's not known if Travis actually bought the bus for Stormi or if he simply rented it, either way, it's probably a lot cheaper than the $12,000 Hermes backpack Stormi wears for pre-school…